The Luvly Wankers are back! Nachschlag zur „Wobbly Oi!“ LP mit vier Songs in überwiegend englischer Sprache (ab und gibt es französische und ungarische Parts). Großartiger Singalong Oi! mit allem was dazu gehört, hier sitzt jeder Ton. Gelernt ist gelernt: Bandleader Tom musiziert zudem noch bei Rixe, Squelette, HardxTimes etc. Kommt mit Textblatt.
I didn’t rush to listen this record, their previous album having let me a nice but not imperishable memory. It was a mistake because this record is really better, and stands out favorably in comparison with the other actual oi bands, because of its originality.
So, there are four tracks in English, one adds french and Hungarian language « Luvly Wankers » a beautiful song about friendship. The three other tracks keeps out the classical themes, including the touching « Shots of fun » full of nostalgia, about his Hungarian grand-ma, her garden and her Palinka. Musically the four tracks are quite different, with an melodic oi tonality ; « Scary Flight to Dublin » even try acoustic in a Irish ballad way, mixed with oi !
The object is beautiful, not surprising with a draw of Léonard and a design by François Baron !